Masonic Scholarship

The Grand Lodge of Iowa currently offers two scholarships of their own. The first is the Grand Lodge of Iowa Masonic Scholarship and the second is the MCEC Technical Scholarship. The basic requirements of these scholarships may be found below, but for more detail please check the respective applications. The winners of these scholarships are decided independently of Operative Lodge #308.


The Grand Lodge of Iowa, A.F. & A.M., located at 813 First Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, will be awarding scholarships to a number of high school seniors who will graduate this academic year from a public high school within the state of Iowa. The exact dollar amount of each scholarship will depend upon the size of investment income from the Scholarship Endowment Fund. In 2015, sixty scholarships of $2,000 each were awarded.

The scholarships are designed to assist graduating seniors in pursuing a post-secondary education in any state at an accredited institution which provides a two or four year college program. The scholarships may be used for any bona fide school related expense such as tuition, fees, and books.

Applicants need not have a Masonic connection, nor do race, creed, religion, color, sex, or national origin have any bearing in the selection process. Recipients are selected after completing a comprehensive written application and an in-depth personal interview.

A broad-based criteria is used in the selection process. The principal criterion is service to school and community with special emphasis upon leadership roles in these areas. The Grand Lodge of Iowa is looking for those students who exhibit the greatest potential to be not only of service to their communities in the future but also leaders in these communities. An applicant’s academic record, communication skills, and need for financial assistance are also carefully considered as is an evaluation of the applicant by a school official. The organization, appearance, and completeness of the application are also factors considered by the selection committee.

From all the applications received, the Scholarship Selection Committee will select a number of finalists who will be asked to appear before the committee for a personal interview. These interviews will be conducted at a number of locations across the state. Upon completion of the interviews, the committee will then select those who will receive scholarships.

Public high school seniors who feel they meet the criteria for eligibility and selection are invited to submit applications. These applications may be obtained through the guidance department of any public high school and must be postmarked no later than February 1, 2016 for the application and all supporting materials in order to be considered by the committee.

Scholarship Selection Committee
Grand Lodge of Iowa, A.F. and A.M.
P.O. Box 279 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406-0279
Phone: 319-365-1438

The application for this scholarship available from Lodge Secretary.


The Grand Lodge of Iowa, A.F. & A.M., located at 813 First Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, is pleased to offer the “Mark Earl and Esther Ruth Spencer Technical Scholarship”. Scholarships will be awarded to a number of graduating Iowa high school seniors who plan to enroll in a mechanical or trade course of study at an accredited Iowa Community College. The scholarship may be used for any bona fide school related expenses such as tuition, fees, books, and tools.

Race, creed, religion, color, sex, or national origin have no bearing in the selection process. A Masonic connection is preferred, but not required. Recipients are selected after completing this comprehensive written application. There will not be interviews of applicants.

A broad-based criteria is used in the selection process. An applicant’s academic record, communication skills, and need for financial assistance are carefully considered along with an evaluation of the applicant by a school official. The organization, appearance, and completeness of the application are also factors considered by the selection committee.

Public high school seniors, who feel that they meet the criteria for eligibility and selection, are invited to submit applications. These applications may be obtained through the guidance department of any public high school or from the Grand Lodge of Iowa’s website at, and all material must be postmarked no later than March 1, 2016 for the application to be considered by the committee.

Questions regarding applications and the scholarship program as well as completed applications should be directed to the:

Iowa Masonic Charities Scholarship Selection Committee
Grand Lodge of Iowa, A.F. and A.M.
P.O. Box 279 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406-0279
Phone: 319-365-1438

The application for this scholarship available from Lodge Secretary.